Go for the Earth

Our Vision and our Aim

Sitio Carpir was founded in 2016 with the aim to provide an earth experience.

We started off by caring for our soil, which underwent a profound process of regeneration.

On previous pastureland we now 2 ha of agroflorestry, and have planted over 1.000 (native) trees.

The soil has regained vitality, the plants health, and wildlife returning.

Alongside this process, the Sítio has undergone infrastructural development, with the aim of receiving people and events, thereby sharing this connection with nature.


At present, the Sítio has 3 guest houses, all extremely cosy and charming; for couples, groups of friends, and travellers looking for a peaceful ambient in which to reconnect.

We also provide a stylish barn for corporeal workshops and other events.

We hold our own workshops; as well as an open agenda for those seeking a venue for their own activities.


At present, the Sítio has 3 guest houses, all extremely cosy and charming; for couples, groups of friends, and travellers looking for a peaceful ambient in which to reconnect.

We also provide a stylish barn for corporeal workshops and other events.

We hold our own workshops; as well as an open agenda for those seeking a venue for their own activities.

Our Location

The Sítio is situated in the Municipality of Paraibuna, at a distance of 15 kms from the towns of Paraibuna and Santa Branca; this distance from the closest town is really what sets us apart.

There are no shops nearby, and only the occasional car will drive past on the dirt road.

The distance is perfect for well slept nights and to unwind; the sky a mass of stars.

Our Location

The Sítio is situated in the Municipality of Paraibuna, at a distance of 15 kms from the towns of Paraibuna and Santa Branca; this distance from the closest town is really what sets us apart.

There are no shops nearby, and only the occasional car will drive past on the dirt road.

The distance is perfect for well slept nights and to unwind; the sky a mass of stars.

Send us your contact information so we may share special deals and other information on our activities and accomodations.